The first news out of the legislature, when they went back into session, was Richardson and the fight over the stimulus money. sometimes the big picture is too big.
Every time the topic of the attorney firings comes up Pete Domenicis' name always pops up, the last interview I heard, on 9/25/09, his name popped up as someone who was hanging around with Karl Rove while he was firing attorneys.
Acorn the evil organization, evil like the Florida supreme court 2004, Blackwater, Haliburton..Oh no wait, no one was killed by Acorn, and Acorn did not lose a pallet with 12 million dollars in cash in Iraq.
There are some cartoons I really love and jokes I can not stand, potty humor is one, belch and fart jokes are not funny, How ever the way Republicans reacted to the rejection of the Bush, Paulsen 3 page bailout bill potty humor came charging in the front door.
My first cartoon here in albquerque was concerning how money from transit and the city vancant positions were being used to fix the budget, this cartoon is that ideal AGAIN, but Chavez thinking he can or will work magic with a 2 year old ideal.
This goof was actually selling tours to see a high ranking Bush administration official, Cheney costs more that Rice or Bush, well lets be fair, he was taking "donations for the Bush Jr museum".
This cartoon was great it was written to remind people that no matter how moral the republican party is there is a lot of dirt needed to grow a reputation. and people who throw stones must make sure they have no kidney stones
This was one of thoes pieces about a white collar crime that shocked all new Mexicans, a scam by a politian concerning water, a resource more precious THAN GOLD in the it faded away into the desert sun
We all knew the Iran election was going to be everything it was, and the girl who died was no surprise, but to have old goofy Eric Cantor say the USA should be totally involved is only one of many times he has shown his lack of foreign police experience.
During the campaign for some reason McCain felt taking away from the two groups he is a par of because of his age was a good thing,but not cutting the trillion dollar war wasn't.When asked why everybody in my cartoons is attacked by sharks it is a very old joke,"if a lawyer falls in shark infested water why is he not killed....professional courtesy".
The 43rd president got a war and these blue boobies said and did nothing, now they are as much trouble as possible, 8 years of sitting on their hands now with the chance to be a positive part of history they grow a pair and use them on the force trying to clean up a 8 year mess.
I used to be an assistant teacher at the city college of San Francisco teaching theater production, as a scenic painter and carpenter, in the building's lobby was a mural by Diego Rivera, the years I was there I never saw all of it, you could stand for hours looking at the subject matter or the brush strokes. When a friend who is a writer approached me with the ideal for this cartoon it became my Rivera, enlarge the cartoon and see all the evil done in Iraq and who was a hero.
A Oreo is a person who is black on the outside and white on the inside. The first band to arise on the music scene in Iraq after "democracy" took over played heavy metal. With the number of Caucasian rappers, black golfers, Asian professional baseball players, and now a Latinasupreme court justice, this term died years ago, so for the lack of a descriptive term I decided to show you what this person thinks he is and how really silly he actually would look.
Way back after I graduated High school and the Viet Nam war was a hot topic a slogan came out around the streets of Berkeley Calif. And that slogan was "What if the schools had all the money they wanted and the military had to have a bake sale to buy bombs". If you look at the bigger picture, here in Albuquerque the school district has been given 1 billion dollars for new building and getting rid of portable trailers being used as classrooms at middle and elementary schools, while in Washington the 44th president and his military advisers are cutting the Pentagon budget, its not a bake sale but its getting there.
The first time I saw her she was dancing starring right in the camera at a Los Angles Lakers basketball game, the next time I saw her Magic Johnson and a bunch of others were retiring her cheerleader outfit. Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, Prince and Kiss all performed at the halftime of the Superbowl live, all their equipment and make-up. she showed a video, at least Janet Jackson lip sinked and showed .00001% of her boobie. A lot of people said this cartoon does not look like her, but like Ann Coulter, Sara Palin, Monica Crowley and Michelle Malkin,who wants to look at their faces?, or hear their voices and why?
the 43rd president got a war, money for the rich, a house in dallas with the neighborhood walled off, used air force one like it was southwest airlines, and was a freaking cheerleader in college. the 44th president who is a harvard graduate can play basketball with anyone in the NBA to say the least can not get respect from the knuckleheads on his side of the isle, what is wrong with thoes people
In the 70s there was a movie with a group of "old time" actors known for their westerns they made a movie called the "over the hill gang" a bumbling group who did get the job done. these four who are sworn to "up hold the constitution" they are lost their looks, hair and too pompous to introduce "new" things to their wives,to spice up their relations, so they said hookers and beer, yes of course they can do their jobs ,well at least for a little while, artistically this cartoon is designed exactly like the original poster.
When the 43rd president claimed doom and the end of mankind if the financial institutions did not get a LARGE infusion of money, they got it and almost just turned in a 3 page business plan. But that wasn't the fake-a-roo it was the lack of accountability built into that "loan". try borrowing $10 from your parents Scott or Henry free
I drew my first editorial cartoon in 1968, no other president has said "in my first 100 days I will...", in the business world that would be probation and 10 days,counting days off and weekends. Was he crazy, apparently crazy like a fox.
Nothing is more funnier than the succession dopes yelling, "I hate America" these people have no ideal of what they would lose if they became there "own county" better yet lets talk about how fast the Mexican drug cartels will move in kill Governor Perry, the Texas legislator, George Bush all George Bushes etc. and Texas becomes the new new Mexico. adios
There were two delusions I suffered from out of high school. 1st there were no gay Asian people and 2nd stupid rednecks were not female. That changed when the 44th President was scheduled to talk to the kids, there were more females on TV saying they were keeping their kids out of school than men, now the kid couldn't spend that hour in the school library doing their math or English home work they had to stay home, and miss a whole day of school.Stupid.
A good friend came up with this one, Denish was sure she was going to slide into the governor's job but then like Putin's head over Alaska pay-to-play reared its ugly head and governor Richardson's allegations popped up torpedoing her easy slide to a better office.
This is by far one of my favorite cartoons, She whined and whined that everybody was against her cause of her gay comments, The ones who cared were waving her CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS in the air, she can shoot off her mouth all she wants, if she did it AT WORK it would be different.Come to think of it no leader of the gay community said anything, whats-his-face Hilton is not a leader in the gay community.
why is it when any of the christian Conservative family values crowd get in trouble, bigger trouble happens immediately after to remove them from the spotlight?
this cartoon is one of the cartoons with the most underlying message, they are playing flag football to be a part of the game you try to take to take the flag, lying down is not how you stop the opposite player from scoring a touchdown, if you do go for the pity stop you will get what Grassley got in this cartoon, run play the game like it is suppose to be played or you will get run over.
I was watching NHRA drag racing, when I change channels I heard the news DICK...Cheney injured his back lifting a box, this cartoon popped in my head, now the ideal of drawing him hurting his back trying to shoving his gay daughter back into the closet was a close second. DICK...Cheney doing manual labor, rrriiiiggghhhhtttt
I love this that goof Govenor mark Sanford said if his wife and he reconcile that all will be well, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Jenny Sanford and her daughters were seen packing their suv in lime green and orange tank tops and white shorts,LEAVING OUT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE GOVENOR'S MANSION, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.Let the lawsuit begin.
One of my FAVORITE progressive radio talk show hosts put this ideal in the air.It took such a short time for former president Clinton to get release of the two journalists from North Korea Randi Rhodes mused "did he threaten to send Hillary" thus creating this cartoon.
How pathetic is it when you climb to the mountain top cecum to temptation then whine "I did it because I lost my job", very pathetic, but more so when you sit as one of the politicians in the legislator or senate. and this goof Manny Aragon cost the commuity more that what he lined his pockets with they scraped his name off all the buildings it was on, "dude you droped the soap"
This cartoon displayed the two most two faced "public servants" that ever were a waste of skin. SinceMc Cain has been senator, Arizona has yet to accept Martin Luther King Day as a holiday, Ward Connolly tried to abolish affirmativeaction from UC Berkeley in California.The comment from McCain about Latinos was prophetic, I drew this cartoon last year before Sonia Sotomeyerappeared. Both are currently getting their just desert
This is one of my favorite bits, throwing him under the bus, you will note there is a mattress under the bus, not a good mattress but one just the same
One of my favorite things to do is use direct quotes when I can. This came out of daddy Bush's mouth when the world found out the money the government was sending to El Salvador was going to the gorillas who were burning villages.
When I was in middle school I thought that the ice cream and the short french leader were the same, as far as how the election was handled, saying it was high school was a BIG complement, we all saw what was coming.
The 44th President made all these concessions to these three putts and not one republican voted for the stimulus, even though the Bush administration got a rubber stamp congress.