This was a really fun piece because it showed how many senior citizens have made the switch to ipods and email in relation to still relying on the hard copy newspaper, the house was my best illustration of my grand parents house.
In a city with at least 50% majority Black and Latinos, Willie Brown should have been the right choice, he was close till he was on the TV dancing on the stage with the owners of the San Francisco 49ers after they got bond money for a new stadium, instead of bond money for the zoo and libraries.
these two illustrations were for the race herein Albuquerque for the senate, Wilson and Pearce, well they both were beat like a borrowed mule, but they made a good illustration.
This accompanied a article on Eco housing, this was in 1980,it is now 2009 and this is not a top industry. However the cash for caulkers is at least a start
This illustration was done at the time of the death of Cesar Chavez, the illustration was to remind us he fought for the people who work hard for little money to give Americans something we take for granted, like lettuce
There was a revelation in the black community in San Francisco that many ethnic businesses were better off being assisted by community activists, Asian and Latino business also not just black based ones
What do you get when you...take a spoiled rich boy ex cheerleader surround him with a lifetime of escaping responsibility that goes as high as being AWOL from every form of military including the boy scouts, give him power via a bunch of clueless people who were listless sheep of his father, give him more power through hysteria and paranoia, have him throw money and lies to the poor and gifts to the riches 1%,and what do you get? this cartoon
This cartoon was drawn a couple weeks after she became McCain's running mate. We all thought Karl Rove's Brain would be part of her weapons, no she is still ,a year latter, hunting moose.
At the height of my friend's being pissed off at the Israelis she gave me this cartoon, I did not think much of it till I remembered the song lyric "there is no best friend like your mudder"
Next to Sarah Palin, I'm-a-dinner-jacket is my favorite person to draw, he looks like a caricature from the classic Clint Eastwood movie the Good the Bad and the Ugly.
how can a man with a face full of cancer, his wife humping a used car salesman and his daughter fast becoming his newest rival, and with all this he is bobsledding towards a stroke faster than lighting, be against health care of ANY type?
This was my first cartoon on the departed Martin Chavez, who is rumored to be running for the senate, his girlfriend would look better in a toga than him