Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Martinez media ride

I found it really interesting and typical that the Albuquerque Journal and the local Lame stream media especially Larry Bark-er jump when Martinez runs out of menopause pills. the next day The journal published a FRONT PAGE article on how she wanted memo's from 300 appointees. Amazingly Larry frickin Bark-er did his "investigative report on THE SAME FUCKING THING the next day. Coincident I THINK NOT.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Boner red tape

Well theses idots have yet to get it, I constantly wonder how come power makes Republican people stupid!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Susana Martinez Alaska style

well other than bringing the ideology from Texas, along with the lobbyists, and adopting the ideology on illegal immigration from Arizona, and probably her simple minded husband maybe parading around the capital, then again her Lt Governor did not debate Colon...hm mm maybe we should ask "who wears the jockstrap in this administration?"

Friday, November 5, 2010

Martinez gives it in the end

Well congratulations Mexicans and Homosexuals. by not voting or being pissed off because you think Diane Denish is a bitch,or because Obama didn't do a presidential order and remove Don't Ask Don't Tell, Well dumb asses take your heads out of your partners ass..A CONGRESSIONAL ORDER NEEDS A CONGRESSIONAL ORDER TO CHANGE IT, ANY FUCKING PRESIDENT CAN CHANGE A PRESIDENTIAL ORDER!..Oh look Heather Wilson is on Martinez transition team, maybe my hot poker in the ass was too mild, maybe it should have been something more phallic

Monday, November 1, 2010

Some midterm race

I did this cartoon doodle at work during a lull in activity, Between the primaries and the midterms there are a lot of us political junkie novices that are running out of gas. BUT GO VOTE, there is a movement in the Republican party to give to the rich by keeping the poor stagnant. Oh and there is no such thing as a Blue Dog or a Democrat who votes for a Republican..they are just DINO's Big time!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Juan ain't come a long way,,baby

It is amazing how many stupid black folks sit and drink the kool-aid of the idiots who can not see beyond their own paranoia. There is a saying knowledge kills. it does it kills brain cells!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Throw out the baby with the 14th amendment

So now it is clear why the GOP care about a fetus is cost effective, don't need to spend money on them, no burping, no interpersonal contact. so the GOP's ideal is to keep them (women) fat and in the "kitchen" ( fox news,etc) to laymen the term is give her money (fat) and attention no matter what stupid shit she says, NO ONE from the GOP elite, Boner, Cantor, Vitter, come out in loud overt support of the nitwits Palin, Bockman, or that loudmouth Michelle Malkin. it is like when they say " I'm going to run government like a business" what it translate to is I am going to short change city and state employees and not raise taxes tothe general public so I look good, and if the city employees do not like it they can get another job.

Friday, August 6, 2010

BP's favorite tool

When this dick was seen sitting in a a restaurant eating dinner with Tony Hayward he showed the world he was just bought. There is nothing this ass wipe can say that will convince anyone he is on any version of level.

Monday, July 26, 2010

another CEO never sees unemployment

SO after destroying the ecosystem in a major American water way, ling to the American public, causing several hundreds of people to lose their livelihood and to deny proper protective clothing to those same people tiring to clean up their mess. The fucking slacker who was in charge will get off with $100.000 walking money and after he gets to 65 years old he will pick up $900,000 justice or another rich bitch to the corporations fucking the common person getting away Scott free..go find a police car, pour a quart of oil on the ground near him in plain sight and see what he does..I would say something about our British Allies but since BP is important to their economy, it is obvious BP can fuck us and the British government will pass them the lube.

Obama edits Don't ask Dont tell

It has taken a billion years to do what others have done, I like the saying
"it is not if you ARE straight its if you can SHOOT Straight"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mc Mouth-stall

Well I guess the pen is mightier, especially when you do not have a filter on your mouth, and your a pom pus ass..

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Haley Barbour moon light

Sooo.. there is only, maybe enough "oil to fill a gallon jug" would that be a jug like the ones you put your moonshine in ?

Friday, May 14, 2010

The corporate stooges

Why is it the corporations making a million dollars a day has the stupidest fucking people in front of Congress trying to bullshit the American people.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

BP pluging along

Well...as this keeps geting more fucking stupid their plan after a smaller cap is old tires and golf balls.
Well shit...my ideal is better, drop Yugo's on it...ever tried to loosen a rusty bolt? Ever tried to move a rusty Chevy?
British Petroleum are you listening?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Landrieu BPin slick

Well, if it walks like a paid off bitch,
and it looks like a paid off bitch,
then it must be a paid off bitch
being a DINO or RINO does not matter,
nor does the people who put her in office.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gohmert Pyle-d on

Hey dumb ass the high profile person appointed by his governor to congress and the appointee to the Supreme Court last year were all in line with the Obama agenda. There is a whole world outside of Texas and by the way when it comes to political experimentation California is the "test" state...Well Gaa-lee

Monday, March 22, 2010

Teague twit

D.I.N.O. of the Year
Chamber of Commerce front boy.
Harry Teague the new face of unemployment November 2010
Bet your glad Health Care passed...you will need it..

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Palin 2nd book

So Sarah Palin's next book will be stolen..un..utillized excerpts from books that have inspired her. Like how to go to the Grammys with a bunch of minions loot and pillage and earn the nickname "The Walssila Hillbillies" or how to cry the "they hate me card" while bashing everyone else. Now I know this cartoon is not accurate but I have to give her something to complete the ideal.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bunning times

It amazes me who the numb nuts, in the Republican party, find as a stooge to stand before the people and lie so the ones,this year, who are running for office can still get their fucked up agenda out with out the general public knowing who is pulling the strings. And they actually stand before the people and do it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fox and Friends

Well, Well, News Corp and Al Qaida getting funding from the same source surprise, surprise, surprise,, Oh wait the Bush family has been friends with the Saudis for years and Bin Ladin was or is a Saudi prince..Hmmm.

Cheney afterlife

"Heaven don't want him and Hells afraid he'll take over" Not ! If he had the balls of a teen squirrel he would have been President, all the cake none of the work, and as far as Liz, will she ever get the hemorrhoid cream off her lips from kissing daddy's rich butt?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Helms homegoing

This carton was done to honor a real American prick Jessie Helms, I let a friend talk me out of publishing it.But since there is another all American prick having had a heart attack I figured the time is right.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bayh money

Well, well, well, riddle me this, what do you get when you mix a wife that works for a mega corporation that has a political lobbyist army and agenda, with a weenie of a senator, you get a Fox news analyst

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stupak inspiration

this yuts put out a bill against women and their bodies that made the republican cringe, in his bio on Wikipedia they connect him to "The Family". Hey he is a DINO ( Democratic in name only}. or hopefully just your garden variety hammer head.

Limbaugh fans in the snow

I know a person, she does not vote, they do not go out to dinner, and they have at least 5 dogs, and she calls herself a teabagger. I have a blog, am a delegate for the next Democratic convention to see who is on the ballot to be Governor and Lt Governor here in New Mexico and am certified in 8 different types of occult study. Lazy republican is the new norm. Like in the congress, just say no, to everything!!

Jenny Sanford aka politically correct Lorana Bobit ?

the only mistake Lorena Bobbitt made was she cut in the wrong side, every one knows a man's weak point is his wallet, especially republicans, no matter there income.

Palin helping the lower 48, for $100,000 a pop

Run for president why, there is no money in that, now fucking over the working man, teabagger or not, That is where the money is.

Republicans taking shit

There is a old saying,"if you can't beat em join em" or in the case of assholes like Bobby Jindal "if you can't beat em take credit for em".The number of pictures of them posing with giant checks that are stimulis...un...recovery money are as much as the number of the pictures of the women they cheated on their wives with.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Richard Shelby the way

it is amazing how pieces of paper roughly 6" by 2 1/2" has created the amazing number of assholes in the world. Sarah Palin has quit every job she has had..oh except coming in behind a black woman in the Miss America contest,a black woman who won the contest, by the way and Richard Shelby holding up appointments so he can get his pork, not jobs for the thousands of Alabamians who earn $40,000 a year or less, I will bet the ass has never walked into a Walmart, but military stuff, even though he never protested or filibustered sending the troops with shitty equipment to Iraq,Well he is old so unless he has his fucking head preserved he will die and be in a really nice casket, unless his kids are like him.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jeff Sessions may finally getting it

When the Obama administration wanted to bail out the American auto industry Jeff Sessions voted against it, why because Toyota is the reigning auto manufacture in Alabama. Now that the Camry and their attempt at a Eco friendly car the Prius are getting recalled, while also screwing the pooch, he may finally get it.

Palin preprep

This woman is a cartoonist's dream. I do not have to be a prick to come up with material, she just dowels it out in buckets. Granted most of it is rehashed but you betcha, how long have prat falls been in comedy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hang them

This is one of the worst pictures in the history of segregation. the person who commissioned this cartoon was not at all happy with the way the administration running San Francisco was treating the black people in the Bayview Hunters Point. Really not happy.

Bill (Clinton) in Bed

I was a big Bill Clinton fan after the "romp at 1600". We joked about the "a blow job is not sexual relations defence". Some of my friends started smoking cigars, it was yeah, intern, We spent hours joking about giving him a parade down Van Ness Street in San Francisco, this street divides San Francisco in half from the bay to the Ocean. Shit Hillary started looking good, then he fessed up...

it was a beautiful day in the Richardson neighborhood

This is the last cartoon that I was nice to a local politicians, concerning ANYTHING!! why is it that these PUBLIC figures do not realize when they do or say bullshit in front of the camera it stays in the public domain FOREVER!!

ACORN controversy cartoon pt1

I could not find anything funnier that the ACORN stealing the election for Obama controversy, Oh...yes, the Supreme court giving Bush Jr a second term.

Monday, February 1, 2010


2nd part to the ACORN horse crap.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

AFSCME money problems

This cartoon was to show that this is not the union of the big money members

Friday, January 29, 2010

Justice Alito taking one for the team

I slept through a majority of Obama's State of the Union speech till he said "the Supreme court". I am very happy that he not only said what all of us who earned $40,000 last year thought but sicked the congress on them. By the way where was Justice Thomas? Did someone need to do the dishes after the decision party?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Clarence Thomas Endorsement?

Before I saw the pictures of the Justices that voted for the stupid destruction of the 1st amendment by letting corporations use as much of their profits to buy ads against candidates running against their interests. I knew Clarence Thomas's stupid face would be a part of the five that voted for it. As a left wing radical progressive...with a blog.I can say I relize he was a asshole during the Anita Hill hearing, he is a asshole now.I have to admit I did not read his brief on the ruling but a xerox of Chief Justice Stevens's bullshit breif with Ebonics editing is still bullshit.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Obama and Richardson togeather

My first illustration when the Obama campaign took flight and New Mexico was all a twitter about Richardson being secretary of state.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Obama's Blue dog moderate blues

Through the whole 8 years of Bush I never hear the term Blue Dog. I just learned about Blue Dogs during the Obama administration.

Veteran's Day (?)

At 55 years old I have yet to see veteran's day treated like Christmas or Thanksgiving. I have seen church people go from one homeless to the next with food and items, but I do not see the USO or some "military" group go from one homeless to the next looking for veterans with food and items on veterans day. A straight up crack or meth head gets better attention than a veteran who was dishonorably discharged.

Gay marriage tide

No matter how much the people complain, protest or pun dent homosexual persons right (?) to marry will be here till the issue goes the way of slavery and the women's right to vote.