Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gohmert Pyle-d on

Hey dumb ass the high profile person appointed by his governor to congress and the appointee to the Supreme Court last year were all in line with the Obama agenda. There is a whole world outside of Texas and by the way when it comes to political experimentation California is the "test" state...Well Gaa-lee

Monday, March 22, 2010

Teague twit

D.I.N.O. of the Year
Chamber of Commerce front boy.
Harry Teague the new face of unemployment November 2010
Bet your glad Health Care will need it..

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Palin 2nd book

So Sarah Palin's next book will be stolen..un..utillized excerpts from books that have inspired her. Like how to go to the Grammys with a bunch of minions loot and pillage and earn the nickname "The Walssila Hillbillies" or how to cry the "they hate me card" while bashing everyone else. Now I know this cartoon is not accurate but I have to give her something to complete the ideal.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bunning times

It amazes me who the numb nuts, in the Republican party, find as a stooge to stand before the people and lie so the ones,this year, who are running for office can still get their fucked up agenda out with out the general public knowing who is pulling the strings. And they actually stand before the people and do it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fox and Friends

Well, Well, News Corp and Al Qaida getting funding from the same source surprise, surprise, surprise,, Oh wait the Bush family has been friends with the Saudis for years and Bin Ladin was or is a Saudi prince..Hmmm.

Cheney afterlife

"Heaven don't want him and Hells afraid he'll take over" Not ! If he had the balls of a teen squirrel he would have been President, all the cake none of the work, and as far as Liz, will she ever get the hemorrhoid cream off her lips from kissing daddy's rich butt?