Saturday, May 7, 2011

yikes, teaher's streach pay

No matter how much money we spend on anything, every teacher I talk to always spends more..mostly on our kids education.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

big trucks little space

Riddle me this....What do you get when you mix a trucking firm with a residential community.......a county commissioner, or a city councilor with a big paycheck.


What is the difference between a Dictator and a dick who eats taters.....nothing

So much for the media

Once again like other "journalists" Larry Barker leaves journalism behind to sit at the alter of the shortcut.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Taking the money and ran

Rocky Ford is now the new coach at San Diego State, SUCKERS!! he half ass ed his way to a 1.5 million dollar golden parachute with a losing record, now he is in charge there. I guess mediocrity pays.

Gohmert strikes again

Why are all the dumb asses from Texas, this idiot wants to eliminate the amendment that allows folks to vote in their senators and now he wants to carry loaded guns on the Congressional floor, what to many minorities on the Capitol police force?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Palin will get the end

See there is a place for her bulls eyes.

Martinez far

Well if you read the VERY slanted Albuquerque Journal transparency is odious...lets stat with her firing all the members of the NM Environmental improvement much for checks and balances to the oil companies. Jack Scmitt, Astronaut and Climate change denier, People don,t destroy the environment, its Cow farts. Lt Gov. Sanchez hows that hiring illegals for ya...oh Martinez is keeping you hid.Michelle Rhee, worked for Jeb Bush in Florida and then for the Bush Jr. administration, well she knows shit about "no child left behind" and then Hanna Skandera who did such a wonderful job in Washington DC while firing hundreds of teachers...and now she's cutting salaries and people are worried about the Mayan Calendar.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boehner house special

So they stood around and read the constitution, B..F..D, they (Republicans) should have read it years ago. Crap I am a dork cartoonist and I READ THE CONSTITUTION....IN HIGH SCHOOL !

Friday, January 7, 2011

Attack of the Liberals

President Obama was quoted saying that he wanted the liberal branch of the Democratic party to be after him, we he got his wish. So why we are infighting the Republicans will waltz in and run us back to the 1920's

New congerss same rules

This is a cartoon that says exactly what will have to happen. As we all have seen the Republicans are still the party of no, especially our orange overlord, if we hope to get anything done we need to become like principle Carter and become bat-man.