Monday, December 31, 2012
Media attention span
I sat and watched President Obama's news conference about the new Assault Weapon commision headed by Vice President Biden but the question the "elite" media wanted to know was about the fiscal cliff. In the worlds of the Eagels' "Theres a bubble headed bleach blond comes on at five she can tell you bout a plan crash with a gleam in her eye" news flash, all bubble headed bleach blonds are not female or blonde.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Republicans 6 Democracts 3, Berry Apocalypse begins
Now that we have survived the Mayan Enlightenment, Zombie Apocalypse, the Rapture etc.. we now are looking at the worst, the Berry Apocalypse. since O'Malley left for the county commision the city council decitivly swings all the hard (?) work she did fighting(?) the Berry regime just turned to dust. especally since this Meyers woman has THE BACKING OF THE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION
can you say baseball park on endangered owls nests..
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Classic oldie but goodie
This is my favorite setup. The original format was the King of England facing a revolt of the pesants for his lack of concern for their basic needs. This cartoon was originaly for Black Friday, any betts this will pop up the last week of shopping before Christmas?
Lemmings...He wishes
A usual Boehner sat on his hands during the election did not bother to show his face and now he looks as goofy as usual, still playing political ping-pong but he can run to the Whitehouse to suck down some Presidental food and drink.
Monday, November 19, 2012
...the Icy Finger of Obama
There is a old saying " a picture speaks a 1,000 words" I will let this cartoon rave on...more importantly. While on patrol last nightat about 5:30 am I saw James Lewis picking up his carpool folks at 1st and Gold, I shook his hand and said "Run for Govenor!" he said "I am thinking about it" he also said Hector Balderas is running for Attorney General. I saw Ken Sanchez at the Dem Primaries while I was working a table for Eric Greigo and he told me he is planning to run for mayor....I have seen James in my neck of the woods (southwest mesa) on several occations and Ken has been my city councilor since I got here in 2007.I concider this very good news.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Four more a word from the Donald
So the Donald had a problem with a 2nd Obama goof got millions from Daddy and then banrupted a casino 3 can you bankrupt a business that is driven by old ladies who lose more money than they win ?? Now artisticly you may wonder why I did not draw brain matter and skull chuncks in this cartoon. 1st I will not disrepect the Day of the Dead celebrations this month by putting any representation of a skull with Donald Trump and brain matter...when did his brain matter!!!!

PAC money, better than footwork.
The last time I saw a mayor dance for joy at a wining Bond related election result was when san Francisco Mayor Willie Brown dance with the 49ers owner when they got their bond from the voters. Neither Mayor danced when the Zoo got their bond money but when the Billionaires got what they wanted it was time to "party on the mothership"

Friday, November 9, 2012
Is John Bone-er nuts after all this election hoopla he still wants to play games.He does not want to rase the rate for the top 1% it will kill jobs. Ladies and Gentilmen, John Bone-er was not in any developed country during the election soon as I heard his "speach" this cartoon poped into my head this is just what he is doing.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
I got really pounded by the Democratic primary
getting all the information that Dems accepted Republican money, last year was the same thing Dems taking money who vascilate between their party and their ideology. Sandy provided and is providing a break for everyone to take a step back and remember it is about us, The People. All the polititians running amok have to be viewed in one light with one question to anwser...what have you done for me lately? not what color r u ?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
What we want !!
While watching the Heinrick / Wilson debate my friends were screaming for Heinrick to RIP OUT HER GUTS!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S A LIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the enthusiasm, it took all of 3 seconds for this cartoon about the next Obama Romney debate to hit my mind, longer to draw but, truthfully, we loved the last debate and want more.....I do....ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go all green on Romney's lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
They call him Flipper..Flipper, well now its lier lier pants on fire
I though this was going to be a hard cartoon, how to find a list of Romney's "changes of mind" aside for my spelling mishapps, my blogsite has no spellcheck that I can find..yet..but there is a website Romney flip flop.. stuff goes all the way back to the 60s concerning the era of the Vietnam War, wow no rock to hide under...and yes I did think to have him blowing snot bubbles
UNM employment..KA-CHING
There is nothing that has pissed me off about UNM but this, Ford and Locksley did not have 5 victories between them and walked away with 6 figures each and now this woman, the only thing that has been in the news that has jumped out has been student tuitions going UP !!!A friend I made here said the truth, "people get jobs here to screw us" talk about robbing the cradle.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Debate and de-bait
Yes this cartoon is a shot at Romney's brand of racism, which is worst than the blatent garden variety racist. His odvious lack of understanding of the person earning between $8.00 and $12.00 per hour has sent things out of his mouth at places like Home Depot, restrauants and telling a women who's house is in flood water to go home and call 211...oh yeah and the $100,000 loan to his son for a business his son knows nothing about.So the type of racist I am talking about is like the person who hates snakes and never saw a real one anywhere but at the zoo or on TV. Oh and I do not believe there ia a black person who supports him that is a true republican, seen any black folk on the stage with him...or in the audience behind him? Michael Steel is yet to endorse him.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Romney in the jungle
In one week this guy's past recorded appearances has got to have gotten more air play than VH1 classics and not one is helping him. You know you can Google image Morman Magic underwear and see models wearing them...male and female!! Really ugly long johns.
Jiffy pops over 300
I have not spent .0000003 seconds volunteering for Sen. Tom Udall..but he is one of my main heroes, EVERY TIME they fire up a session he is pushing to get the Filibuster removed, it is a tool Dems do not use, if they fillibustered half as much as the Repubs a lot of their crap would be dust. I spent about 30 seconds breathing fire at a blue dog who said the Dems have done nothing. You can not progress if there is a overly active resistance. Lets face it there are two bullets our leaders are timid to use, raising money continually and obstructionism, we need to remember how to fight like we are attacked. There have been more filibusters against Obama than all other presidents combined..oh the same for death threats.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Now this is not my direct philosophy on how their system works I beleve in the shadow government, ie: "C" street, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian club, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, the Freemasons, Klu Klx Klan, New Black Panthers,the Irish Republican Army, loooong list, all of us can add to this list and not one of us is not fimilar with Cheney's private meetings with the oil companies..any bets Ryan has knowlege of Cheney's prancing around? Maybe they were prancing togeather?
A Turd..Blossoms in North Carolina
Don Seiglman's daughter confronted Karl Rove at the Democratic National Convention with his bodyguards. Now why was he there..Oh tickets to the Tar Heels the football and baseball teams are not that hot and basketball is not near starting the summer league and the regular season just ended. Oh Monster Truck rally Bigfoot is not scheduled and the Monster Truck season is over. So maybe my cartoon is fact not fiction..just like Martinez's PAC man said they give money to blue dogs that vote their best interest, bet there were a few at the DNC hoot nanny!!
Martinez and blueberry piiiiii
It is usless to go after local politcians because the local media and tabloids are always all over them. However if a reoccuring theme pops up it wears down the people, that is when you can get them and thanks to citizens united PAC humor is like peanut butter, and since Martinez and her pet PAC man do not care that we know about their activity and there are so many political funny guys cartoons like this are too good to pass up.For the buding editorial cartoonists out there this is another example of how a sketch is too good to redraw.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Presidental 2 step
Believe it or not this cartoon is not really about Obama or Romney it is about the media. the Media reports that the right side says Obama lied about the factory that closed down, the left says Romney is lieing about his taxes. the right says Obama is a Kenyan Marxist Socalist, the left says Romney is a flip-flopper of the 10th degree and speaks about his "magic" underwear. But if you ask each of the candidates they say the same thing about each other, they say he is a good family man and American. The Dance Is ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Ryan..fresh meat!!!
Ryan has never had a serious or any challenger for his "job".... they say a broken clock is right twice a day that is two more times than Ryan has been so far, like when he was introduced by Mitt Raw-money as his VP pick....partys over!
Palin out Martinez in oils well that ends well
Palin is not invited to the re-pug-nant party and when I saw on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal that Martinez was speaking AFTER keynote speaker Cris Cristy I saw the joke. the regular world the keynote speaker is the last speaker. I bet when all the other speakers speak the camera is going to pan around the room any bets on how much the camera pans during Martinez speach...woman...hispanic...hmmmmm...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Our Privacy ??
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Fame and Power (Legacy) of George W
For all you Blue Dogs who want to give George W Bush a "break" because of what ever stupid reason you can make up or get as you go from FOX "NEWS" to MSNBC and all that opinion gets mixed up in your little logical mind here is his legacy over all 8 years he was president.The monkeys on his back ..forever.
Romney to Jolly old England
Now I realize even a dufus would not put a $171,000,00 horse on the roof of a jet and fly from America to London England, but considering what he said in his 1st interview and what the British Prime Minister response was...I would check the roof of his jet and besides I will never let folks forget what happened to Shamus his kids Labrador. I can not say enough to my cartoon art students that all drawings do not need to be refined, some of the best art in the world are sketches
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Obama campaign ATTACKS!!!
Yes I was watching a Flintstones marathon when I drew this cartoon. I love the distinction in this one in message and in artistic contrast, Mr Peanut is basically a black and white drawing, where as the color used for Obama are all the earth tones. You all know the Obama folks are really coming hard to get Romney's tax records released and his response has been ...well...nutty
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Ann RomneY...CHARGE...IT
Sooooooooo if I was going to investigate the Mittster'a account I would go straignt for the Bermuda account. Everybody knows that giving a wife your account is the first sign of corruption, age old way to hide something. most of the time I do a black and white cartoon to show my adaptability, but this one is because there is no question what I am saying, he is hiding money, that may be tainted.
Scalia and Thomas in Wonderland?
Now we all know that this cartoon is not a joke, well it is, but it is the visual to show what is happening. in over 500 hearings Thomas has never asked a single question. Go to work, get your paycheck and go home, over 5oo times and not a shred of incite.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Blazing Prosecution
I sat through Blazing Saddles once, but am still a Clevon Little fan, this secne stuck in my mind cause it showed how really stupid bigots, no matter how low level they are, are.There is a saying that if someting does not work you keep doing it till it does work. the thing is you keep doing it you wear down the opposition so your stupit ideal is accepted weather it works or not. HEY BONNER where are the jobs!!!!
Emperor Daniels has no clothes
I am now convinced that republicans and Blue Dog Democrates do not think video and recording devices are relivant. This nitwit pissed off probly over 100,000 people across the state involved in education and now figures to prance into the chancelor's seat at Perdue University like nothing happened. The people in education spend their lives REMEMBERING.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Blue Dog Rat PAC
Nothing pisses me off more that good people getting ganged up on, Eleanor Chavez's last two elections had both her opponents get republican money, now a good hard working community minded woman is working in the private sector instead of fighting for all New Mexico in the roundhouse like she should, Hey Padilla have fun in the general your ass is going to be dropped by your red buddies like 3rd period french! And your opponent who probably works as relief janitor at the Hyatt is going to PAC money your butt good
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Wilson to see the "whiz-ard"
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Grisham / mapel syurp what is the difference?
SO you ran to the Albuquerque Journal with stories about Eric Greigo, an you ran to Tucker with your mud and in the Sunday paper you even threw out Republican talking points. I will bet dollars to donuts, not the good jelly ones the 12 to a pack donuts that are sitting months in a vending machine, that you were one of the six Blue Dogs that took Martinez PAC money..guess what the well just dried up. all they did was set you up, maple syrup does not have as much sap in it as you do, and if you are counting on a mass of us holding our noses and voting for you, big surprise, New Mexicans lay down, enjoy your ass whooping.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Romney and jobs, no biggie..HA!
Ha ! I love this stuff, Jobs! this guy's job movement is worst than dissecting Irish stew, money to the rich and as Govenor the worst job rating only better than the three states that were hit by natural disasters, hey and how about the Olympics he was in charge of ,he had to borrow money to keep it going, our tax dollars that we will never see again.
parking? attendent?
Who is surprised that rich / VIP / hot women in vettes, get to park in spots they are not suppose to. And who was surprised that the guy in charge who has the office with the real wood door said " I can't keep up with what all the employees are doing, WELL stop micro managing! and spend some time parking outside the private garage at the stadium.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Perfect republican to go against Obama
In my glorious goodness I am going to tell my 1 republican friend, actually none of my friends are republican, what people they need to clone to make a black male to beat Obama in the upcoming election, I would give them the same for a woman candidate but boy would that be a waste. So you need the feet of Shaq, the hands of Dr. J (Julius Erving) both basketball greats, the body of Carl Lewis (one of the fastest professional track and field athletes) the heart and soul of Ray Charles, the mind of W.E.B. Dubois, the sharp wit of Dick Gregory and the charisma of Morgan Freeman. So if they collect enough snot, you know you will never get any important DNA, from each of these persons and get him cloned before November they may have a shot. Oh you probably wonder why there are no Caucasian body parts? duh..
Friday, May 18, 2012
by by love, by by jobs
Well another 30 million dollars leaves Albuquerque leaves the state, first it was a big chunck of the Avengers, which has grossed 500 million, SO FAR, and now a tv show that has national apeal, way to GO gov. Martinez and her pet Berry.
Dog-gone Romney
I can not poke this dude enough about the dog story, PETA should have hit him in the face with enough pies to feed a building full of starving sumo wrestlers, and is there any one in north America and Sweden who was surprised that he is getting big oil money?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
N.R.A. strikes again
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Rush to condoms
Mitt takes the dog out
This was my girls ideal, it is a representation of the fact, I would have done it different, the wife would be driving, the dog hanging out the window like dogs do, the kids etch-a-sketching saying "this is the best vacation ever" and Romney standing on the roof in the classic I gotta use the bathroom pose, winning the wife's name whimpering how he has to use the bathroom. She will be yelling "Mitt settle down,don't make me stop this card

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This cartoon is based on the very good movie where Tony Randell played seven diffrent presonality that was centered around a asian sideshow actor named Dr Lao. when his goldfish fell from its bowl it dried out and became this huge dragon with each of the faces Dr. Lao was, this all happened in a old west setting, the movie "the seven faces of Dr. Lao.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
YEAH Bucanan gets the boot
Money money
Friday, January 6, 2012
Us and Them
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