Trump is not smart enough to do to the print media what Reagan did to radio and TV media, his words.... "I'm surrounded by the best people"
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Old Yeller bellies
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Electors..why bother
these jerk-offs do not pay attention to what the "american people" want ALL YEAR and now they are having a kitten because the people do not want a nitwit, with a illegal alien wife in the Lillie white house, true hind sight is 20 / 20, but this is how they can serve the people, this is why it is so hard to get people out to mid-term elections. so far only one of them is voting his mind, the others could announce "hey I am not voting for that boob (grabber) need to raise funds for the $1000.00 penalty fee" people would donate.....big time.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
OMG...I forgot!!!
the middle of last month Dr Ben ,pompous a-hole and negro, Carson was floated for the chief of Housing and Urban Development, NOW HE IS!!!!. so all you section 7, trailer trash and Ghetto folk...PLUS any one with a bank loan has this jerk pulling the strings..think because you are white and voted for Trump you are exempt ?....Betsy De Vos is getting rid of public schools and you trailer park will be a golf course...ooh question for any chefs out there, can corn-pone be cooked on a radiator of a 4 by 4.??
Sunday, December 4, 2016
a moose with a hat rack
"gasp"...he lied, how much is the tariff on Carrier?...who is still going to move 1000 jobs to Mexico ANYWAY....oh none,big news flash folks, when this new congress gets a hold of the tax law, United Technologies is going to get 10 times the tax breaks and contracts from everyone who's lips are against Mc Connell's butt and can still move whatever to mexico as long as they have at least a PO box in America.
finally a true Bro-mance
Netanyahu lays on his bed with a erection, is his wife wearing decadent american undies from Victoria is his 15 year old concubine dressed like a slutty elf, with a did he accidentally take a hand full of Viagra instead of peanuts while watching bootleg Big Bang Trump's Secretary of Defense retired Marine General, mad-dog James Mattis hates Iran as much as him...finally, a soulmate....can you say institute the draft??
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Pelosi, repeating history
all I heard on the radio today was the only group who turned out in numbers was the millennials. granted at 62 and a baby boomer we bear a lot or all of the fault for the last election, two years ago the treasurer for new mexico looked me in the eye and said "we need new blood".Now who has been in charge of the Democratic go-along-to-get-along party...hmmmmmm
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
R.I.P. ...not!
hey, he didn't lie.....on this
Friday, November 25, 2016
ooooo, spooky
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Hello Keystone good-by Protectors
Mr. Trump goes to Washington
now who thinks it will take 15 minutes to meet with the President in a power of transition meeting...hmmm maybe someone....who's management corporation wouldn't rent to Blacks in Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens,and who had to pay a $200,000 fine by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission for removing Back dealers at the request of white "high rollers"in his casino...funny thing the same day the NBA champion Cleveland Cavaliers were scheduled to visit, a team 3/4 Black and their main superstar supported Clinton.....just saying....uh...yelling!!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
OK A Hole put up, too late to shut-up
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
love AT&T and Comcast...?
Oh, No more education
OK in 1979 the Shah of Iran needed jets and military weapons to hold off a coup. he sent 400 million to his friends the US for this stuff. Unfortunately for him idiots seized a embassy holding 52 Americans and the US froze Iranian assets. just when the hostages were released the US decided to give Iran back their money ( with plodding from Tehran whining to the Hague), however not in dollars it went back in Euros and Swiss Francs, since "We" really do not want to give them ANY military ( since in 1979 we fell out of love with them also) anything. the "interest" on the 400 million is 1.7 billion which Iran got back including their original 400 million.This was a two pronged event while dorks were dealing with money others were trying to get the hostages freed, nothing I read showed they were communicating with each other.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
All Important
the theory is Bills are created in the House, and go to die in the Senate. A.L.E.C. is the ghost writer for the Republicans in the House. there are things the Senate controls that would make a difference if the Democrats win it, but....who every controls both houses controls the country..this is why the down ballot is so important
Roberts dream
this guy got his wish, he worked up the ladder, got his robe and was able to mess with the Voting Rights Act so ALL the crap we ( being low income and folks of color) are going through with voting at polling places, voter IDs and days polling places are open all happened...hurry up term limits or retirement.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Bullshit Obama
my fucking tax dollars paid for tomahawk missiles and drone flights to kill innocent civilians in Yemen (acceptable casualties), chase down Saddam Hussein in Iraq, bullets my tax dollars paid for killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, but all the fucking lawyers on Washington DC payroll can't help if people sue Saudi Arabia and there is a counter lawsuit?....and you stood around the 9/11 memorial every year with your sad fucking face.....not happy!!!
boy will they be surprised,
everybody running for office thinks they are going to prance to Washington and do whatever they want....Ha..right....better start shooting Mitch McConnell, Diane Feinstein, and everyone in there class and age. They have the seniority and control. you are going to get sucked in and be like Ronald Reagan who of the presidents in my lifetime had the most Executive orders with 381, Bill Clinton was second with 364.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Ladies...what happened
this is about men with power....period....remember what happened when the first women were allowed to interview football and baseball players in the locker area. remember what happened to the first female referee in a professional basketball game when she called a foul , Bill Cosby. it used to be that if a man touched or said something "inappropriate" to a women he got the taste slapped out of his mouth and that ended it.Say something or touch a girl you had her big brother or her cousin in your grill. Sorry women you gave us a inch and we have now taken 1,000 miles..if we have power it is 100,000 miles. it is power, think someone is groping Ronda Rousey, Holly Holmes, Eva Mendes, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel or Yekaterina Putina Vlad's daughter ?
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
1,000 words
now that I have had 3 brewskis and my high blood pressure medicine I can defend Ryan... he didn't say he wouldn't vote for Trump, he didn't say he didn't support him...he said he had to focus on the down ballot races. He is still going to get a grade A ass woopen..but he....urp.....urp...gotta....go.... throw.....up...gak....
not cartoon...advice
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Education #2
education #1
ok..I have friends who are "informed voters" and are UNSURE....NOW.....!!!! so .Green party, environmentalism, non-military, social justice,participatory grassroots democracy,Feminism, LGBTQ rights anti-racism,affirmative action . Libertarian ism own own bodies, free market education, free market health care, free market market, non-union, use of force ,sexual orientation not "defined" by government. NOW THIS IS NOT A ELECTION, THIS IS A JOB INTERVIEW...who has the job experience, not a personality contest, who cares weather you like them or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 3, 2016
we were sure after his 4th drink he would be hopping around needing a bathroom break, looked it up, Cialis will allow him to drink water by the gallons, and treat his erectile dysfunction...but the real debate is the VP debate Kane and Pence both seasoned, it may help Trump...may help him get assassinated
Monday, September 26, 2016
Perfect debate 2
Here there is a Sunday morning guy named Dr Bob, don't care for him but one Sunday he came on with the medical records for both candidates anyone can down load, He laughed talking about their blood pressure, Hillary's said it was 128 over 73!!!!! , on medication over weight, on a hard campaign!!!!! and Trump is on a regular regiment of Cialis!!!. all the side effects the commercials warn are his defining traits. Finance health, if either is smart and there handlers actually care for more than their paychecks it will be all about policy cause both have way too many skeletons to be horse craping on stage
Saturday, September 17, 2016
finally intelligence
whenever I work city council and there are people who flat out waste time with bull crap, However one lady said what I have been thinking for years, solar, Albuquerque should be the solar place to be. PNM should be either B M-ing in their draws or doubling their profits working with local solar companies, a "chicken in every pot" here it should be "a solar panel on every roof" we can truck in Walmarts 10 blocks apart, but solar....oh it took a year to put a library on the corner, but a Wendy's went up in about 2 months.
not Super Chief, Super Chiefs
Been watching the North Dakota pipeline situation. tribes from New Mexico are there. IT IS so refreshing to see the youth and elders not repeating history, they trusted what they were told by the oil fat cats but went and set up camp to make sure they honored what they promised. Black leaders "supporting" Trump... pay attention.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
oils well that won't end well
Saw a newscast, Trump showed up in Arizona in a plain white plane, flew from Mexico straight to Arizona., Where is his Boeing? was the question the commentator mused. Question, if you said all the crap about the Mexican people Trump said would you fly your Big Blue target into Mexico?
open the Bible,,save a brain cell
OK, correct me if I am wrong..Moses built a Arch to save his people, from the hurricane,,,no,,tornado,,,no....wait it was a flood, where did the water come from, the Egyptian toilets back ...earthquake causing the Nile to RAINED !!!! so between Hurricane Katrina and the rain in Louisiana who do you think suffered "God's Wrath"......hmmmm.. God said he would not flood the Earth, again, didn't say shit about flooding pompous assholes.
open mouth insert foot
Sunday, August 21, 2016
ah crap...again
this morning I watched Fareed Zakaria the show was "why they hate us" of 100% of the Muslims a count of all the Islamic extremist group members showed .01% are extremist haters. the funny part is ,like the Bible, the parts that call for killing and hating are twisted for the "uneducated", the passage that talks about afterlife rewards, misinterprets the word raisins for maidens, mansions, streets of gold Christians beware....
bad day
Sunday, August 14, 2016
lets play telephone
50 military leaders and 113 republicans government employees have all signed letters not supporting Trump. Now that may not seem like much but I am part of the Bernie movement to take back the House and Senate, 12 of the co-workers I have spoke to face to face, not emails and texts are "converts" if each of these anti-trump folks have 12 friends....uh oh...
oy vay....
Trump has the worst staff in presidential campaign history, or they just do not give a shit and laughs all the way to the bank. pointing out Mark Foley, the "congressman " (that wanted to take the shorts off a teen male intern) sitting with his 26 yr old boyfriend. not going to go through the Republican / LGBTQ good bad thing, do not want carpal tunnel in one night.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Finally..perfect Presidential debates
seriously..neither Hillary or Trump can do personal attacks, with Hillary"s ties to Goldman Sachs, the Deutsche Bank of Germany and the Imperial Bank of England etc, Trumps suits made in China, shoes in Taiwan etc, Bills impropriety, Trumps illegal alien wife...neither will even think of personal attacks...a perfect set of debates centering on ONLY the issues...........right...
Karma at its finest
if anyone deserved to be cleaning up Trumps shit its Mike Pence, One of the things this a-hole tried to do is pass a bill to MAKE women have funerals for fetus. It is not bad enough these women have all the pain from the whole experience, he wants to extend it to MANDATORY funerals, regardless, rape, incest.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
choose wisely..for you
so you don't like Hillary, here are your choices, Stein, 2 Harvard degrees, soft spoken Intelligent, boring. Trump, trust fund baby, has not struggled in his life, crap in crap out. Johnson ex Governor of New Mexico want to say pothead, but you do not have to use something to like it. I do not like Hillary but its not a popularity contest it is a job interview..her tract record plainly shows of these 4 she is qualified
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
walk on blue
the second person who killed police compared what is happening with police shootings to what happened to the Native shit you say....since 2005 only 13 police have been convicted of manslaughter also independent researchers showed only 41 police charged with manslaughter between 2005 and 2011 while the FBI recorded "several thousand justified homicides"..Now concerning Freddy Gray, he was hand cuffed bouncing around in the back of a van with metal seats, now...of the six officers 3 are African american 1 of them is female, the Caucasian lieutenant said no seat belt, so odviously he was used to hearing a lot of yessa..massa. what would have happened if they disobeyed his order...they would have probably been shot.? oh buy the way google Dylan Noble 19yr old (Caucasian) killed by the police,why...? he got out of his lifted truck, Dylan felt it was too high for the police to see his hands from the outside, and when he went for his wallet they shot him.
leaky emails
wikileaks realeased 20,000 "hacked" emails showing the DNC clearly was against Bernie and they were plotting....yikes....However not one of the pundits on the internet or "other"forms of media read one sentence that said "Debbie Wasserman Schultz ordered staff to etc etc". So republicans want a bone to chew on.....go fetch...I'll hold my breath....oh right get rid of Hillary you might get Bernie who polled ahead of Trump on every pole...
Saturday, July 16, 2016
I'm sorry....
never ending situation
I work law enforcement grave-shift, at least once a night a homeless person I tell to not sleep on city property but go sleep on a church's door step tells me he is a veteran. All the veterans shooting people, sleeping on the streets etc is because of president Ronald Wilson Reagan the 40th president and ex California governor's some brain cells..
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