Thursday, July 28, 2016


Well judge Barry Williams got his wish, must have been the easiest pay period he has ever had. 6 murder cases just said the same thing over and over. But that's it, all Baltimore police have mandatory cameras and all transport vehicles have cameras...better late than never..

choose wisely..for you

so you don't like Hillary, here are your choices, Stein, 2 Harvard degrees, soft spoken Intelligent, boring. Trump, trust fund baby, has not struggled in his life, crap in crap out. Johnson ex Governor of New Mexico want to say pothead, but you do not have to use something to like it. I do not like Hillary but its not a popularity contest it is a job interview..her tract record plainly shows of these 4 she is qualified

Sunday, July 24, 2016

walk on blue

the second person who killed police compared what is happening with police shootings to what happened to the Native shit you say....since 2005 only 13 police have  been convicted of manslaughter also independent researchers showed only 41 police charged with manslaughter between 2005 and 2011 while the FBI recorded "several thousand justified homicides"..Now concerning Freddy Gray, he was hand cuffed bouncing around in the back of a van with metal seats, now...of the six officers 3 are African american 1 of them is female, the Caucasian lieutenant said no seat belt, so odviously he was used to hearing a lot of yessa..massa. what would have happened if they disobeyed his order...they would have probably been shot.? oh buy the way google Dylan Noble 19yr old (Caucasian) killed by the police,why...? he got out of his lifted truck, Dylan felt it was too high for the police to see his hands from the outside, and when he went for his wallet they shot him. 

leaky emails

wikileaks realeased 20,000 "hacked" emails showing the DNC clearly was against Bernie and they were plotting....yikes....However not one of the pundits on the internet or "other"forms of media read one sentence that said "Debbie Wasserman Schultz ordered staff to etc etc". So republicans want a bone to chew on.....go fetch...I'll hold my breath....oh right get rid of Hillary you might get Bernie who polled ahead of Trump on every pole... 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

I'm sorry....

This is how Justice Ginsberg should have apologized to Trump...just like Republican policies have treated us minimum wage to $13.00 per hour workers

never ending situation

I work law enforcement grave-shift, at least once a night a homeless person I tell to not sleep on city property but go sleep on a church's door step tells me he is a veteran. All the veterans shooting people, sleeping on the streets etc is because of president Ronald Wilson Reagan the 40th president and ex California governor's some brain cells..

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

HEY!!!! 2nd amendment rights!!!!!!

I am just outraged!!! What is the NRA doing about this!!! Herr Priebus get off your ass and exercise you "authority"!!!! NO open carry at the Republican National Committee's convention...its OK to have Trump adverse media fact finding organizations banned...but I can't bring my AK 47 to a place where there are redneck, militia types, their wives, kids and alcohol is plentiful?

Now What....

how about some Benghazi facts, of the 4 people killed ,2 were navy seals doing administrative work, the security officer who set off the alarm saw, 120 -125 Afghan dressed solders many were "friendly trained militia" with rocket launchers, AK 47s  gun mounted vehicles diesel gas canisters....ETC...When they tried to call for help Hines did not answer his cell  phone until the third ring....why ? because he "did not recognize the number" what would have saved them ? A military unit being there ..would have, a unit has between 80 and 125 trained personnel, I think my tax dollars could accept that expense, even though the Republican run congress did not think so.