Sunday, December 31, 2017

reconciliation our hammer time

snoopy dance all you want..the tide is turning

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Gov.Martinez the clone

same stuff, well he's male, with less hair, and teeth,...well you know what I mean..

Sunday, November 26, 2017

heads up....don't get burned

I was earning no more that $12.00 an hour when my daughter was born, Reagan and the Bushes bullshitted with the tax code and I just year before last paid off my tax debt. How does someone earning $12.00 OWE TAXES!! Read the Republican tax plan.


you know how sometimes you get addresses mixed up in your address book or hit the wrong number on your smartphone?...wonder if Trump has Duterte's address?

no room on Air Force One

If he got them released they could have walked out with him, like when Clinton and Richardson got folks released!!

Friday, November 10, 2017

wow they are without a clue

the last 4 mass killings three were by white guys. and not Trump or that guy who was shot at the Republican softball practice have made steps for mental health or assault weapon legislation.

local yokel

this guy was "Born and Bred" in Albuquerque and the south valley. when he got the job Albuquerque had the shoot first ask questions later reputation, now the feds are in town demanding paperwork he can't figure out and the Feds are staying at the Hyatt Regency.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

It just won.t stop

funny 90% of my cartoons I do about Trump is because of words out of his mouth, not his Twitter crap, I think he does have some kind of editor.

shocked and awed

crap Lewis did not mention Cambodian sweat shops, totally ruined my drinking game!!. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

gee...congress wasted my tax dollars.....

What..? there were no other boot lickers to testify??

breaking up won't be hard to do

yeah....won't see this coming...

Monday, October 16, 2017

local politics

at a black Missionary Baptist church , with the league of ministers and the chair of the New Mexico Black Caucus Albuquerque branch there, Lewis didn't answer any question with specifics concerning his administration and black folks, much for that percentage..

Thursday, October 5, 2017

how soon he forgot

Trump was a three sport varsity in high school, soccer, baseball and football....what ! happen !!...oh Daddy's money !!!

same old song

Friday, September 15, 2017

another Dick-tator bromance

Dick-tator in business trying hard as President

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Saturday, August 19, 2017

not gum

Korean war, won't be like the first...

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


...and just as smelly....on look another multi -millionaire gets a cabinet job.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

bringing a knife to a gun fight..I WISH!!!!!!

when Citizens United is overturned I  will support Public financing. !!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

gerrymandering made simple

after a census the political party in power redraws the voting districts,local, state, federal

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ivanka booted thugs

sweat shop conditions at a Chinese factory making Ivanka's shoes.....naw....not from the daughter of a man who would not rent to people of color in Brooklyn or who,s grandfather was a slum lord. Well you know the old saying, "the douche doesn't fall far from the bag"

all apoligeez...jackasses

Clarification ; a donkey (jackass) is born of two donkeys mating, a pack mule is from a horse mating with a donkey.

 (Black Funny Guy legal department and staff extend there deep apologies to all Donkeys living and past and respect their contribution recognize there importance to the world and their contribution in movies such as Shrek and as Festus's companion in the TV show Gunsmoke)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

stretch that 15 minutes

Rodman thinks he can go to North Korea and talk Jong Un into printing money on marijuana (probably Hemp) and Trump is supporting him,..hmmm what is crazier...oh killing ants with a ice pick

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

yeah I know.....

.....another Trump bathroom joke...

no secrets

this is why I am not worried, no matter the crap the Trumpians pull we hear about it!!

Friday, May 26, 2017

yup..empower them

I was watching this documentary on the Southern boarder. the guy they interviewed was patrolling the boarder , alone, with his gums and a Pit bull, now..he was easily 80 lbs over weight, grey hair. IF the Mexican cartel cared they would run over him like a rat on the freeway. clearly a pompous a-hole.

Ah Ha!!

oh, it just dawned on me ,everything Putti-Put has been in life Trump could never be, why not kiss his hairy ass,  (disclaimer; Black Funny Guy editorial cartooning staff has not received information that proves or disproves the status of hair on Vladimer Putin's behind)


just like with J Edgar Hoover I have never trusted the head of the FBI and Comey is doing the dance.

Friday, May 12, 2017

congratulations Mika.....

....were there no horny upwardly motivated interns?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

she's back..

Hillary's refusal to do a fifty state strategy brought this on, not to mention the idiots who did protest votes and ,of course, the idiots who voted for the W.A.S.P.

Monday, May 8, 2017


Hmmm..Rosette Stone, new product,, you'll make more millions!

love it..

I have so much fun doing Kim Jong Un cartoons, if you Google "you in big trouble" most are him and his daddy.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

ooh kay 2

Apparently what Trump knows about foreign affairs, is a 1/8th of what most people know about feces 


now Trump has a rrr-mmad-aaa heading to North Korea and the Russians are flying BOMBERS 35 NAUTICAL MILES OFF THE COAST OF AMERICA!!!...BOMBERS!!! PLANES THAT DROP BOMBS !!!!!!!..whats wrong with this picture?

Friday, April 14, 2017

one sided pissing contest

if he cared about the "beautiful babies" why hasn't he said the words Sandy Hook in his first 82 days?

Saturday, April 8, 2017


Yeah..right..Putin and Xi have no ideal what Assad and Jong Un are up to..!!

a knife would be easier

Trump's talking crap abut China and Ivanka's man is trying to make deals with Chinese companies, a new form of back stabbing??

Monday, March 27, 2017


wish I could lie and duck questions in a interview and get a job I couldn't get fired from.