Wednesday, May 30, 2018

shut up and get a concussion

its all drinks and giggles till you get a opinion

R.I.P. I guess

Chinese metal, Chinese cell phones whats next Chinese food!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

crooked as a dog's hind leg

undisclosed documents, refuse to answer questions..surprise, surprise

Thursday, May 3, 2018

less we forget

to big to break down...we will survive!!!!

Macron bromance

do you get the feeling he is collecting  photographs for his den wall??

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

dead brothers

    as a editorial cartoonist I am a journalist, the 1st amendment protects me like all others.

When Charlie Hebdo was attacked I felt something in my heart, then I saw their cartoons. they crossed lines that went beyond cruel. my thoughts then they got what they asked for.

Then I thought about things like passion and their was a whole lot of information I did not know, I know nothing about them and what they experienced on a day to day basis.

      However the Taliban attacking journalists in a confined area in Afghanistan was cruel, and I sitting in my comfy room protected by the 1st amendment now know what real devotion, dedication and bravery is
                              RIP my brothers,

and thank you George and Barbra Bush.............. just couldn't find a condom.