Tuesday, December 23, 2014
oh please, chrome dome (Mayor Berry)

Saudia Arabia..Oil...HA!!!
It amazes me how stupid the really rich can be, Mitt Romney, wife's $1,000 t-shirt, her equestrian horse, YEAH the common voter will relate to them, Obama.."do you know how hard it is to buy Michelle a Christmas present? He is the Fucking President, not a person in the world in my socal economic class thinks he is not just full of it. I had to stretch $200.00 for Christmas presents and gas for 2 weeks on top of working 96 hrs this pay period 117 the next. A blind squirrel can see this "humanitarian" act to Cuba is all about getting their oil refinery contract any one wants to bet Halliburton will be slimming around somewhere, Democrat, or Republican bullshit is bullshit.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014
John McCain Against torture....No Shit
I have heard Heavy Metal Bands. Country Bands even Classical quartets say the same thing, "we were just sitting around jamming and this song happened, well theses cartoons are like that, I heard some stupid crap from some liberal /progressive / blue dog / D.I.N.O. and I grab a ink pen and here it is. On Stephanie Miller this morning they were so happy John McCain came out in support of the released torture memos...well OMG this dusch bag ran for President and DID NOT have veterans issues anywhere near his platform, Veterans are sleeping in the streets, in this weather, have to stretch what little money they get the whole month, and he walks up to a microphone and says the obvious and his puckered old ass get positive air play on a "liberal" talk show, a small reminder these same people thought Vegetarians protesting McDonald's was a joke. Are WE EVER going to treat these people like they treat us...we bend over and take it with a broomstick,,they bend over and get lipstick..
Friday, December 5, 2014
No More freebies,,why the Republicans are "cruising"
the local group Progress Now, got a "friend" to talk me into doing this cartoon, it took 3 days, when I told them I am not going to do a lot of free cartoons because I am about to retire they completely stopped communication with me..Democrats, this is our problem..money / bartering, can't live with it can't release it and live without it
linen sheets and its contribution to History
this cartoon is a shot to you all, currear politicians, police lawyers ..all of you. right now the news is full of white cop on black youth, but that is not all, white youth get just as much as black but it is not seen because it is not in major cities or sexy. just look at TV shows like Cops, it is full of this stuff, then the politicians Blue Dogs, D.I.N.O.s liberals and progressives, I remind you AGAIN Alan Combs and Mike Malloy did not vote during this last midterms, so theses a-holes diddled while "Rome" burned, for years police and politicians jumped in to the white KKK tunics now they have a new group the "tea baggers" or The Tea Party Patriots, not to forget the Supreme Court or the current Grand Juries..all "sleeping like baby...rats, skunks, snakes..because what makes us dislike these animals these people are.

Friday, November 21, 2014
State of the city, really bad....so sad
if it wasn't for bugs bunny we here in Albuquerque would be really fucked. by the way if you make a left at Albuquerque you will be on the I 25 straight to Mexico, anyway chrome dome stood in front of the cameras and said nothing, he can bring all the businesses he wants in but that is doing nothing, all of us who work for the government have relations that do not, when he took away our little 3% raise cause him and the lazy ass union representatives who want to sit on their asses at the union hall and do nothing but print t-shirts..need to realize,that when we are cut it effects our people so they cant go to his new business complex and buy shit. however i will give him credit for being true to his Republican masters .the Koch Brothers, when they met with Governor Martinez it was here, and gave the basic republican speech, to the letter....party on chrome dome.

I feel your pain McConnell...cartoon gold
the republicans let a bunch of dorks who think the Boston tea party was a good enough ideal that they started a political movement. there is no resemblance between what happened then and what is happening now,,,except where the British played games with the voting and representation of the colonies. the Republicans with there redistricting games in their respective states are doing the same thing.and now Mc Connell is stuck in this ,he is going to fight Obama with the power of his pen and these goofs nipping at his heels. and now more have been voted into office, maybe Obama needs to have a luncheon with them..oh and it would help to start smoothing things over with the black caucus while he is at it 

Keystone XL, not the beer
Well as much as i would like to say "goodbye to bad rubbish" she is some type of Democrat. not a DINO, but worst a Blue Dog, squarely and obviously in the pocket of Big Oil. the Keystone pipeline is going nowhere near Louisiana, and if it did have distribution in America it would not be handled by any of her oil spilling buddies, remember BP, so Landrieu is 20 points behind in her runoff and is emailing her resume to her oil buddies for that lobbyist job, too bad she has a body like a linebacker, and no personality....Hey theres an ideal email her resume to canada, she fought so hard for their pipeline she could use her skills to get a job meeting the people and selling them french fries.

really.working together,,,Right
When Obama took office a bunch of the republican boobs,Got together and declared they would do all they could to stop him from any success, and they keep it up,no on the bill against rape, no on the paycheck fairness act, and there is a immigration bill that bone-er will not bring to the floor. the next two years are going nowhere, filibuster, vetoes, why bother to meet.

Saturday, November 1, 2014
back in the sad-el again

Thursday, August 14, 2014
Isreal..Pakistan..Syria...oh my
With all the problems in America, the Southwest, New Mexico AND Albuquerque, all I have been hearing about is the "unrest in the Middle East" I DO NOT CARE!!!!!! when the education budget is half the budget of the Pentagon, when women can make decisions about their bodies without Congressional male approval, when the debate over immigration reform is over the influx of Italian, Russian, Asian and Canadian illegals in the same breath as the influx of Mexican, Latino, Hispanic and Chicano illegals equally in the media. when white "law enforcement" does not kill black youth. I WILL CARE!!!!!! although..I have a GOOD cartoon brewing about Mal-a kee...in me brain...heh...heh...heh
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Boehner"s boner
Update: the count shows Martinez and King running for govenor here in New Mexico neck and neck with 35 and 38 % respectivly. NOW.. there are several types of boners. one for a hot, beautiful women, and the one based on the expression "a dog with a bone". the Republicans are just this. I would be interested in the amount of chocolate cake or ice cream ordered at a C-PAC conference. Now even though my cartoon points directly to their disdain for a black man in the white house (that was built by slaves) there is also a distinct dislike for anyone of color. look at there "cooperation" on immigration, and name any Asian American Republican politicians.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
oh yeah this is a fair "race"
Thursday, July 10, 2014
well duh..
in the july 9th edition of the albuquerque journal, the right wing "newspaper" Gov. Martinez blames Obama for the boarder crisis. HA HA HA, the dufus is from Dona Ana county, in the southern part of new mexico !!!! she has been seeing a border crsis
HER WHOLE LIFE but NOW its Obama's fault. She is now offically a bandwagon broad. the mass amount of money given to her by the Koch brothers has her mindlessly spouting the right wing political lines. this leads me to my observation of ALL black republicans, they are all in it for the money..period

Sunday, June 1, 2014
Dumbass Ouxote
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Uh.. Shut up!!
Jeez, getting recorded got this goof in a mass of trouble. Now everywhere you look he is on TV, WHO IS HIS HANDLER, Dracula, is this guy convinced what he says on TV is like Dracula looking in a mirror!! no one will see , or does he really believe there i sympathy for his rich ignorant ass.?
Of course money can buy love,
this guy is the essence of pompous and stupid. now I being Black do not care about that antiquated racism, but what I care about is his prejudice towards family with children. no one is saying anything about that, the news did not say anything about that it was families of color he would not rent to but families in general, so white folks were also part of his hate world. lets face it, money can make you happy, happy for more!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Riding Mr Roberts
once again the John Roberts lead Republican dominated Supreme court has made it easy for the super rich to buy more politics not help the homeless, disabled veterans, homeless children, hell even legalize prostitution.NOW why would that happen, because when John Roberts gets tired of pretending he is being a justice he knows he will be richer as a lobbyist for every fat-cat who's butt his lips are vacuum stuck to. Now remember, there are rich Blue dogs and DINOs,(Democrats In Name Only) but they show it by excusing themselves from the vote. We are on our own, especially the ignorant $12.00 hr workers who "are" Republican waiting for the John Roberts of the united states to do more for them than use there faces for toilet paper.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
This freakin bozo gave that stupid speech at their butt kissing palozza and all he did was looking stupid except to the other stupids cheering for them, and then there are the nits earning minimum wage up to $12.00 per hour who election cycle after election cycle keep putting these people, including D.I.N.O.s and Blue dogs in office. but actually this cartoon was not about him, it is about my pet peeves. HAVE YOU SEEN THESE MEN'S WIVES !!! my gawd, it has got to be the money,, the way they talk about taking away women's rights and medical help you would think these men do a vow of absenance and ALL the women are trophy wives..ca-ching !
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Fat in he fire
You might be saying, yeah, right another shot at Christie because of his weight,, WELL YOUR RIGHT!! He almost had me at the press conference, he almost had me standing shoulder to shoulder with Obama, then again if you look at nature, all the snakes that have the prettiest colors are also poison. This cartoon says two things, first, do not think this guy is cruising Scott free, and he is a master of deflection, like Martinez, she is screwing the children with her choice of education director but she always poses with children in the journal, remember we only get the national stuff, Google a local paper in New Jersey. see his FAT burn..yuck..yuck..
Sunday, January 5, 2014
more crap
can you believe these Republicans, here it is the beginning of the year in the midterm elections EVERYBODY SEAT IS UP FOR GRABS and Boehner, wants to "make a deal". Hey BAD NEWS, dude, people earning $12.00 per hour or less have a long memory,If I was being paid .
$.05 per cartoon I could hire another cartoonist for the year. Martinez may have to veto a bill legalizing Marijuana, along with everybody knowing she has met twice with the Koch Brothers, and has $3 million in her pocket already.
$.05 per cartoon I could hire another cartoonist for the year. Martinez may have to veto a bill legalizing Marijuana, along with everybody knowing she has met twice with the Koch Brothers, and has $3 million in her pocket already.
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