this cartoon is a shot to you all, currear politicians, police lawyers ..all of you. right now the news is full of white cop on black youth, but that is not all, white youth get just as much as black but it is not seen because it is not in major cities or sexy. just look at TV shows like Cops, it is full of this stuff, then the politicians Blue Dogs, D.I.N.O.s liberals and progressives, I remind you AGAIN Alan Combs and Mike Malloy did not vote during this last midterms, so theses a-holes diddled while "Rome" burned, for years police and politicians jumped in to the white KKK tunics now they have a new group the "tea baggers" or The Tea Party Patriots, not to forget the Supreme Court or the current Grand Juries..all "sleeping like baby...rats, skunks, snakes..because what makes us dislike these animals these people are.

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