I have quit the Democratic party, I will still vote the ticket, but my contribution is my blog, I will still fill my yard and fences with signs of all the candidates on our ticket, but I have expended enough gas and time.Untill we / they get the notion out of their heads that they are walikg on glass on every decision.Example,Republican candidates meet with the NRP and the National Republican Party decides who they wll support, the Democratic party her has a policy of not wanting to show favoritism, that is why the candidate who won the convention did not win the ballot because the losers got on the ballot, the "popular name" won the primary and Martinez, KICKED HIS ASS. Why because this yutz thought he was smarter than all the informed voters at the convention and the NMDP didn't want to take sides. these four nitwits took Obama care grants in their right hand and talk shit about how they will get rid of Obamacare out of their left hand, and everyone of them will get reelected. 

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