On May 1st Osama Bin Ladin got a bullet to his empty head.Question why does a Saudi prince walk away from satin sheets, all the Aribic pussy he could stand and probly an unlimited master card to live in a large hovel, having to burn his garbage and have a bunch of American marines stomp your guts ,take the sheet off your head warp it around your body and toss you in the drink? Well I do not know and do not care with 2 bullets president Obama did more than Bush W did with all the troops he sent to the middle east, when was the last time you heard of pirates attacking a ship with an american flag? so all you Aholes who think America is some soft touch wennies Rest In Hell , you know American kicks the worlds ass in sports what makes these people think we can't do the same while holding a gun, or a drone remote? 

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