Saturday, December 28, 2013

Fill-a busted, IT IS ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well goleee, Harry Reid finally did something that should have been done 400 plus filibusters ago. Granted it is not a mortuary on ALL the filibuster activity but i is a start.....yes and it felt like a BS statement when I typed it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

pro-boot licker

So glad Diane won this makes my theory about Janice Arnold true, not just the ranting of a old cartoonist, people call on her cause she is a good little solder and will fall in line, Martinez used her and Berry used her. this cartoon is just that, if Martinez had picked her to be her Lt Governor she would have done all the dirty little crap we have been reading about Martinez doing. We do not like her and this last election showed a elephant would not let her lead it to peanuts. and a far as the Crouch Brothers they have not supported a single woman candidate so guess what position Martinez would get as part of their team. And I am being kind showing her peeling potatoes.

Boehner,s delivery

This cartoon addresses a lot of issues, 1st Obama,s constant need to give these people rope,while getting regularly stabbed in the back.When Bonner shows up at the Whitehorse Obama should be all in his grill about the crap he says behind Obama's back. Boehner has zero ability to get the house to do anything, it is so obvious, he is a hammer banger and will not lead a elephant to peanuts,but then again like my favorite saying which covers all these bought and paid for politicians, you can lead a horticulture but you can't make him think.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Congress to the rescue..??

Yikes, this is a little reminder that the congress is working hard to not work hardly, normally it is like years before giving new meaning to the title slacker. However this is a good lesson to the youth that this type of intervention is what the United Nations is for. Someone is doing their job.

Boehner's boner

This guy is got to be kidding last time it was Ran Paul, concerning the sequester, now its  Ted Cruz, the only person who tried  harder to lose his job was Aron Hernandez, any bets Boehner will win his election challenge?  

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria, ca-ching

here it comes, millions (more) to a foreign country ,supporting a sovereign nation, while ignoring the one here in the USA. I see it, We are all aware that any millions do not go directly to that country, it goes to some defense contractor who makes them planes and weapons then ships them across to them.did this in a couple minutes, after looking at a article about a veteran getting a free.I chose Vietnam and Iraq because how the VA hospitals are dropping the ball did not come to light till after and between these two wars, and there are still Vietnam vets who sleep on the streets.

Couldn't throw a couple millions at the homeless here?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


They just will not give it a break, 40 times trying to get rid of the affordable care act, OLD white guys and dufus blonds overly concerned about abortion, "love the fetus, hate the child", check out teachers salaries and laws. I have been having fun watching these goofs blither through their town halls and watching their minions turn on them.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mayoral de-bait 2013

I realize I have not posted in a while, I finally moved into the 2o th century and have a laptop. since my learning curve is a flat-line it has taken me this long to set the date and time..really. however I laughed when I saw that Berry has not debated either candidate...surprise, surprise. my problem is he will say what HE HAS DONE the other two will say WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO. Barry may lie through his teeth but that is beside the point. I still have nightmares after seeing Democrats for Martinez bumper-stickers in my Precinct.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

X (ray) Rod

This cartoon was drawn the fastest I have drawn one, the ideal was a series of snarcky remarks from Mike and Mike the morning ESPN sports show. I have been a Oakland As, Golden State Warriors and Oakland Raiders fan since the 60s, so you would think sports cartoons would flow from my being. But really politicians are 10 times more goofy than sports figures could ever hope to be, besides sports cartoons serve a small audience, where as Politicians impact a world wide cartoon audience.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

martin not alone

While George Zimmerman got all the attention, Here in little Podunk Albuquerque we had a similar situation, a woman "put a gun in her mouth" and killed herself. the prosecution was just as weak kneed as in the Zimmerman case so the "killer" walked, while bragging to the media that he was right, there were questions about where the husband was and evidence tampering. Soooooooooooo...Female, Male, Hispanic, Black, white "trailer trash", 20-30 years old, public prosecutor / defender working for you, not either a police officer, or a family member who is not a, or a relative of a judge or senator, or rich. Sorry folks, its not race anymore it is the haves against the have nots.and we are losing because they have is looking good if you are Aron Hernandez.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Really not Kansas anymore

When does a walk to the store change for the worst, when you cross into someone's private Oz

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thanks A.L.E.C.

there is a Black woman who has been physically abused on several occasions sitting in jail for 20yrs for shooting a warning shot in the ceiling to keep that man off her And yes this is a shot at the Criminal Justice System, and a shot at the politicians like Harry reed who molly coddle the politicians who drink this kool-aid.

Friday, July 12, 2013

See Liz Liz run...please!

There is nothing I hate more than saying Dick Cheney in the same breath as Darth Vader, Darth is my boy. Now my favorite joke is that the Republican Party wants the House, Senate and Presidency so they can build the Death Star and poise it over the Middle East or California. But as one of the many people who have taken on politics and twisted it to bring humor to our serious brothers and sisters sitting in meetings, marching and are dedicated to knocking on doors..PLEASE LIZ CHENEY.....RUN..comedy GOLD!!!!!!!

Hey Baby..its a blue moon.

Now usually I do not attack Republican women...except Sarah Palin.but come on she is like micro wave this cartoon is my eternal question, this boob and a bunch of other Republican MEN signed a bill into Ohio Law, banning abortion, now this is what I am focusing on, if there is a complication and the woman needs serious medical attention IT IS ILLEGAL TO GET TREATMENT.these clowns will go home and get in bed with women, do these women think these guys are studs, are they doing cartwheels with no panties on? I am convinced these women do not look at the news, have pillow talk, text, email, NO social network discussing what their goofy husbands just did.That is why it is Bo-DE-o- dough, dough $$ Mitt 's wife's $1,000 t-shirt. what does she care, if he destroys the marriage an or standing she gets 50% so he can be the biggest dork there is. Do these men reproduce, can they?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Off to the "Summit"

Let me be clear on several points, I am not really a Obama boy,. I grew up listening to Dick Gregory, reading Soul on Ice with posters of Pam Greer and Angelia Davis on my walls. I would have preferred John Lewis, Charlie Rangel or James Clyburn as the president for two very simple reasons, their years of experience in congress and they lived through the years of and before the civil rights revolution, So the same shit John Bone-er does to Obama he DOES NOT do to these men. they come on TV and state their opinion and none of the Republican nit-wits do ANY TYPE of rebuttal. I do not think these people disrespect Obama because he is Black, but because he is "in their cross-eye" he is not their equal..

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

mammie..IRS blind spot

OK...I am paying $75.00 out of pocket and $60.00 is being taken out of my check to the IRS, when Bush Jr first took office and began playing games with the tax code I saw my tax return disappear and my debt grow and I have earned no more than $12.00  per hour since my daughter was born in 1985, anyone want to guess why I do not like Republicans or their minions. this blog site lives so you will not forget and grow weary.

Holy Yikes.

I only feel sorry for this guy because my brother has been walking the same path since the summer of 1968 so I know there are folks out there who are in this faith at all levels who are not all pompous TOTAL A-HOLES, this would not be karma it is justice, his people see he is dog crap so they desert the ship.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kissy Kissy

Randy Rhodes is right Republicans love the fetus hate the child. Berry has been on TV and all over the ABQ journal feeding the baby animals at the zoo. Martinez has a zillion pictures of her with children in the class but not in a casual setting. She vetoed money from the program that taught children Mariachi music and from the African American Cultural Center arts programs. Even though this cartoon is a clear shot at Berry doing the "republican thing" that will draw in the low information voter it is a century old trick, "kissing some form of a baby". However even though the low information (by choice) voter  will be drawn to him because they see him in the media doing these types of things, but not showing him holding back from us who earn $12.00 per hour a 1% raise. The real problem is why hasn't the media shown the Democratic candidate "kissing" baby Rhinos, Elephants, Hippos and Giraffes ? 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A lier and living in his own universe

Mitch McConnel has everyone in Washington DC fooled, I do not know a single person right here in "podunk" Albuquerque New Mexico who did not know that he was going to stab Harry Reid in the back everytime he did it. This cartoon states the odvious, if he wasn't such  a paranoid little corporate flunky he would not have said the things he said before Obama took office, Now the hub-bub is that Hillery is going to run, guess what he is going to do about working with a WOMAN president. the reason I used this verson of the "boggie man is because this is what he is seeing, a "spook" that is not there on top of the fact his ideal of a "Spook" is really wrong.

Serious Horse Burgers

I am not playing, thoes people who pump their horses up with drugs to get prize purse money will ship those same horses once they can no longer father colts right to Roswell. The rich did not get rich from spending money, they will save on feed, stable fees, hired worker hours, minimun wage trainers and horse shit cleaners, etc. That horse that is not running or with a minor injury and can not run to win, place or show by,by, and Do Not think it will be on the front page of the Abq journal where "Sea biscut" is retired. Can you say GMO burgers from Roswell ? 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Money matters

I presented this situation to a mass of people and they acctually looked me in the face and said money did not matter, my second thought was that these prople did not pay a lick of attention to the recent Presidential elections and our Democratic primary. I will say this till dooms day, 8 "Democratic" candidates accepted Susan PAC money and each won their races.The susan PAC man said on the front page of the Abq Journal that they give money to the Demo-rats that they know will vote in their interests, in other words Blue Dogs.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Coin flip? naw!

Well..all you people who gave me shit about not being on the Kucinich bandwagon can now kiss my rusty tail. He is now a paid contributor to Fox News, save your "he will bring insite to that network" bull! He could have run against Mitch Mc Chinless in Kentucky.All his blustering has just hit the fan.

Giddy oops

This started off a a shot to the way race horses are treated with the drugs and abuse by mostly minions, but in my Master Gardening class I learned there are horses let loose above Placitas that are running wild with the on Navajo land. People who can no longer take care of them release them.So soon I will bet there will be a scavenger problem with gun / hunt happy boored scavengers shooting these horses and trucking them to Roswell. In High School there is only one picture I saw about Korea that has stayed with me, it was a picture of a man on a bicycle with a dead dog in his basket, the caption read, once a year on certain holidays it is permitted to eat dog.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It must be be green

Oh how I feel for the irreverent, struggling like a far sighted salmon swiming upstrean with nothing but bear jaws a-waiting. For these two. glory days have gone by so fast but they have to hang on by just being jerks, no more military jets to crash no more bills to co-sponsor , grumpy old men limping into the sunset.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Harry Reid Very blue dog

How can a guy who is probly old enough to remember the gangsters running amok in his home town be soooooooooooooo gullible. spitting in Tom Udalls face is one thing but negotiating ANOTHER bullcrap deal with Mc Connell is really bad.and there is nothing we can do for YEARS. Instead of calling in their fillibuster they have to be in the chamber, milk toast at its finest. Martinez's PAC man was right when he said that they support democratics that vote their way..if it quacks like a duck, if it waddles like a duck it maybe Harry Reid. anybody have a doners list ? can we get a donors list ?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Old Bama

Well they say being the president makes you grow older faster..if more fillibusters than any other president and 400 death threats a week are not reason enough to get some grey hair nothing will