Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria, ca-ching

here it comes, millions (more) to a foreign country ,supporting a sovereign nation, while ignoring the one here in the USA. I see it, We are all aware that any millions do not go directly to that country, it goes to some defense contractor who makes them planes and weapons then ships them across to them.did this in a couple minutes, after looking at a article about a veteran getting a free.I chose Vietnam and Iraq because how the VA hospitals are dropping the ball did not come to light till after and between these two wars, and there are still Vietnam vets who sleep on the streets.

Couldn't throw a couple millions at the homeless here?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


They just will not give it a break, 40 times trying to get rid of the affordable care act, OLD white guys and dufus blonds overly concerned about abortion, "love the fetus, hate the child", check out teachers salaries and laws. I have been having fun watching these goofs blither through their town halls and watching their minions turn on them.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mayoral de-bait 2013

I realize I have not posted in a while, I finally moved into the 2o th century and have a laptop. since my learning curve is a flat-line it has taken me this long to set the date and time..really. however I laughed when I saw that Berry has not debated either candidate...surprise, surprise. my problem is he will say what HE HAS DONE the other two will say WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO. Barry may lie through his teeth but that is beside the point. I still have nightmares after seeing Democrats for Martinez bumper-stickers in my Precinct.