Sunday, November 26, 2017

heads up....don't get burned

I was earning no more that $12.00 an hour when my daughter was born, Reagan and the Bushes bullshitted with the tax code and I just year before last paid off my tax debt. How does someone earning $12.00 OWE TAXES!! Read the Republican tax plan.


you know how sometimes you get addresses mixed up in your address book or hit the wrong number on your smartphone?...wonder if Trump has Duterte's address?

no room on Air Force One

If he got them released they could have walked out with him, like when Clinton and Richardson got folks released!!

Friday, November 10, 2017

wow they are without a clue

the last 4 mass killings three were by white guys. and not Trump or that guy who was shot at the Republican softball practice have made steps for mental health or assault weapon legislation.

local yokel

this guy was "Born and Bred" in Albuquerque and the south valley. when he got the job Albuquerque had the shoot first ask questions later reputation, now the feds are in town demanding paperwork he can't figure out and the Feds are staying at the Hyatt Regency.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

It just won.t stop

funny 90% of my cartoons I do about Trump is because of words out of his mouth, not his Twitter crap, I think he does have some kind of editor.

shocked and awed

crap Lewis did not mention Cambodian sweat shops, totally ruined my drinking game!!. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017