Wednesday, June 12, 2013

mammie..IRS blind spot

OK...I am paying $75.00 out of pocket and $60.00 is being taken out of my check to the IRS, when Bush Jr first took office and began playing games with the tax code I saw my tax return disappear and my debt grow and I have earned no more than $12.00  per hour since my daughter was born in 1985, anyone want to guess why I do not like Republicans or their minions. this blog site lives so you will not forget and grow weary.

Holy Yikes.

I only feel sorry for this guy because my brother has been walking the same path since the summer of 1968 so I know there are folks out there who are in this faith at all levels who are not all pompous TOTAL A-HOLES, this would not be karma it is justice, his people see he is dog crap so they desert the ship.