Friday, May 29, 2015

well here it comes, Mayor and Union bullshit

I havew been working for the city of Albuquerque for 7 years. If the Union wasn't stealing our money Mayor Berry horse assed around with giving us a 1 % raise, the Union officals want the city to pay so they could get a week off to "do union business" Mayor Berry did not think the city should. For a year we told the union dicks we would chip in so they could have there little bulshit time .they finally listened when the city council got pissed. now the city council has given us a 4% raise. I an sure when Berry signs this it will be like passing a kidney stone the size of a golf ball. The union and him should have worked out all this for our last contract, but never under estermate the heart of a asshole.    

Thursday, May 21, 2015

save the wolf, not the children

a monsignor with the church of Antioch in Santa Fe was standing outside the round house wearing a stupid (but cute) wolf hat howling to protest how the Turner Ranch lost their permit to house wolves. these wolves will be released into the wild where they will surley be shot by paranoid ranchers and farmers.Now New mexico for the past 8 years has been either 49th or 50th in education in the United States. where were these idiots when the woman who is the education director and who has caused this was confirmed with the help of 7 blue dog democrates. Where were the protests, at the high schools? No one protested outside the round house, so once again the children make the New mexico adults look like they care more for anything but the children. It takes a community to raise a child? odviously not here.

Monday, May 11, 2015

no democratic kum-by-ya 1

as soon as I saw Presedent Obama "called out" Elizabeth Warren this cartoon popped into my mind.Make no mistake. these two ,Warren and Sanders are not going to back down, these two were being corted by the general public to run for the presedency long before the pundents mentioned Hillary's name.

no democratic kum-by-ya 2

this cartoon simply says Bernie Sanders is not going to debate Hillery like a old boys reunion, he is  going to come at her and not play games. The democratic pundits were saying Hillery needs to have someone running against her to be ready to take on the Republican challenger. make no mistake she is going to get it

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Carrie (Carly) too

ok...she came out of the woodwork, rising from the ashes when she took over at Hewlett-Packard, now she wants to be President, this bigtime bimbo was asked if the Republicans ask her to be VP would she do it? She said"would you ask a man that question?...uh yes what a boob...oh on that subject, I really wish , from a artistic point of view,of course, that some of these women on both sides would have some! come on, Hillery, Fiorina, Palin could not fill a bra. seriously, the men are chipping in, bald spots, beer bellies, Boehner, is orange Obama has big ears, Rand Paul has some type of ferret on his head jeez, the porn star that ran for office barely had clevage. Anyway this womanis know for almost single handily nearly destroying Hewlett-Packard and now she is running for president with no mind to be a Vice President....cartooning gold.....almost

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Happy Annaversary Osama Bin Ladin

On May 1st Osama Bin Ladin got a bullet to his empty head.Question why does a Saudi prince walk away from satin sheets, all the Aribic pussy he could stand and probly an unlimited master card to live in a large hovel, having to burn his garbage and have a bunch of American marines stomp your guts ,take the sheet off your head warp it around your body and toss you in the drink? Well I do not know and do not care with 2 bullets president Obama did more than Bush W did with all the troops he sent to the middle east, when was the last time you heard of pirates attacking a ship with an american flag? so all you Aholes who think America is some soft touch wennies Rest In Hell , you know American kicks the worlds ass in sports what makes these people think we can't do the same while holding a gun, or a drone remote? 

Friday, May 1, 2015

memory lane,,Republican bullshit

Remember when Tom cotton a congressional freshman wrote a letter sent to the Ayatollah of Iran inviting him to America? what exactly would he do here. Just because these people rule 3rd world countries which probly does not have America's level of technology does't mean they are anywhere near stupid. I am a master muralist, there is a organization named Precita Eyes who acredited me. the woman who owns the company once said to me "you are too comfortable and you have lost your edge" All the Democrats and Republicans have done just that, Did you know there are only 3 congressmen who are not millionares? Wasn't it Nixon who interfeared with negotiations with Vietnam? as usual thousands died no promises kept. its time we put them out of office so maybe they will gain there edge...yeah right.