Wednesday, October 28, 2015

predominantly......whatever area

this guy is a jackass, he closed the Department of Motor vehicles in the "predominantly black areas" then open them one day a week. Now if you get a chocolate chip and nuts cookie, and it is predominately chocolate chips it can have one more chip than nuts, this guy is such a rookie Republican. and this is my big speech, you hear about white power against black people but it is also against poor white people. I work with a whole lot of people who were earning $12.72 per hour and of these 2 or 300 people only 3 are black, and the Republican Mayor here took 8 years to remember how to write his name for our 1% raise. Him and the nitwit union fought in court over this.....1%

Speaker of what House?

He will take the job if he can continue to visit with his family like he wants, He who opposed the "family leave act" Good go ahead and do a half assed job, this is just what we can use....

ain't that a kick in the pants?

the "Rat Pack" (Sammy Davis Jr. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Peter Lawford) one of them wrote a song with the words ain't that a kick in the pants, and when Martin Shkreli "donated" $2,700 to Bernie Sanders campaign to get a meeting and Bernie gave it to a AIDS clinic in Washington DC it was literally this song. All this ditz had to do is call Bernie and ask to set up a meeting, and Bernie would have gladly sat with him to discuss the drug prices and other things. NOT rocket science

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

would you buy a drone from this man ?

when I heard that the United States was going to sell like 2,700 drones this cartoon popped in my head along with the story of the guy in court cause he shot down a hobby drone that had a camera that was hoovering over his swimming pool while his 13 year old daughter was sun bathing. please note the 3 jokes, uncle Barack was a small business model in the 70s, like the phrase mom and pop's the term "as is" "cash only" and "made (?) in USA".actually drones do not bother me as much as satellites. They say when they turn to junk they fall into the atmosphere..anyone have insurance when a soviet satellite lands on your car?? 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

the Pharaoh has returned

As soon as those words cam out of Trumps mouth I saw this cartoon.I even called my brother who is a reverend with a masters in theology and a doctorate to check weather it is a fair comparison...fair to the pharaoh....that is....

the rats begin desert-ing

I KNEW IT Perry was the first rat outta here, and Mr Kock Money fallowed, he looks like a dufus and guess what...he was...can not wait for Jindel to leap. Now Perry after looking like the biggest idiot last time WHY would he bother. I feel for all the Texans "before" him ,Granddaddy Bush, Daddy Bush, "W"........ I don't!!!!!!!!!!!!

by by Boner

even though I spend a LOT of time kicking the oposition in the grunions I do like to teach cartooning. this is the case, I just wanted to show the original sketch when I heard boner was outta here. now he can earn real money as a "C" street shill.